Gender-affirming Voice and Communication

We provide gender-affirming voice and communication services, including feminizing and/or masculinizing voice, speech and communication to reflect the individual's gender identity. Service includes individual sessions, with optional group sessions. 

Our clinicians are required to complete cultural humility and gender diversity training with cultural attunement, LGBTQ+ awareness and allyship, followed by intensive, gender-affirming voice and communication clinical training prior to providing services. 

Our Speech and Voice Lab is equipped with advanced technology to provide precise and timely biofeedback to support individual needs. We aim to deliver contemporary, evidence-based, client-centered voice services in an inclusive and supportive environment.

More about our work:
Mahendra, N. (2019). Integrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues into the multicultural curriculum in speech-language pathology: Instructional strategies and learner perceptions. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4(2), 384-394.

Santos, I., Behlau, M., Shefcik, G., Tsai. P.-T., & Ribeiro, V. (2024). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Voice-related Experiences of Nonbinary Individuals (VENI) to Brazilian Portuguese. Communication Disorders, Audiology and Swallowing, 36(3), p. e20230170. 

Shefcik, G. & Tsai, P.-T. (2023). Voice-related Experiences of Nonbinary Individuals (VENI): Development and content validity. Journal of Voice, 37(2), 294-e5.

American Speech-Language and Hearing Association 
Information about gender-affirming voice and communication change

Trans Health Project
Advocates for trans equality to ensure all transgender and non-binary people can access the trans-related health care that they need.

Voice Congruence Project
Resources and provider map for transgender and gender diverse communities